Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dev Blog 10 - Decisions, Decisions

After consulting with my professor many great ideas and decisions were made, while many doubts were put to rest.

I've 100% decided to remove level selection. I've now remembered that some of the games I'm using as inspiration and reference (such as One Button Bob) don't have level selection screens. Through my own play experiences, these games don't have any of the negative side effects I've been worried about.

Additionally, I've decided to add an exciting gameplay element at the end of the 20 levels. After the 20 riddles are solved and their levels are completed, there will be 3 final riddles. Unlike the previous riddles, there will be no playable level paired with the riddle. Instead players will be given a sort of "word bank" of answers to some of the previous 20 riddles. This word bank will be used to find the answer to each of the 3 final riddles, with the bank changing after each one. Not all words in the bank are part of the answer.

For example if the answer to a final riddle is FORT, players will see _ _ _ _ four dashes, and a word bank of 8-10 answers to previous levels. The first letter of 4 of these answers will be F, O, R, and T (such as Find, Oar, Rent, and Tent) while the others are erroneous.

No hints will be given to the player as to what the answer is, the only hint provided is the length of the word and the fact that the word bank contains the hidden answer (and of course, the riddle itself).

This gameplay addition will add a lot of cohesion and consistency to the game, and will be quite challenging for most players. I'm most excited, and spent a lot of time crafting these final 3 riddles myself. Additionally the first 20 riddles have now been decided on. All that's left now is to churn out the artwork, music, sound FX, and code to bring everything together.

This will be a fun 5 weeks =)

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