Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dev Blog 28 - Bi-weekly meeting, playtesting session, updated goals

Today I had another meeting with my professor, got some feedback and discussed progress with him. Then I met Max, a young game designer at Northeastern University. We had an awesome playtesting session during which Max played through Enigmatic - I got a LOT of great feedback from this, and uncovered a few things that need fixing (took 3 pages worth of notes).

We also played through a game Max is designing along with my professor Casper Harteveld; it was an early stage paper prototype but damn was it interesting! A Ph.D student at Northeastern is going to be programming the digital game to have PCG, so I can't wait to see how it develops. I probably can't (or at least shouldn't) divulge specifics of the game, but it's aimed at teaching middle school students basic Computer Science (not programming, but actual CS concepts that almost all middle/highschool classes don't teach). It's got a noble cause and buckets of potential for great gameplay.

Anyway back to Enigmatic:
There's exactly 2 weeks until release, so I've updated the goals of Enigmatic to incorporate the feedback and ideas I received today. If everything goes accoridng to plan (ie: I receive the remaining music and art on time, which should happen) we should be releasing right on time.

On the programming and level design side of things, we were slightly ahead of schedule by 5 levels for this past milestone, so deciding to incorporate a ton of feedback won't be setting us back, as we planned for it anyways.

Update: I realized "updated the goals" is pretty vague of me to say. To be more specific I added exactly 23 GitHub issue tickets (here and below). Tons of bug fixes, existing gameplay enhancements, and design changes. All to be implemented in the next 2 weeks. Coffee and I are about to become the best of friends.

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