The meeting with my professor Casper went great today! Got some great advice on the design of the game, specifically on implementing a more effective tutorial without breaking from gameplay. He suggested that instead of having tutorial text scroll by in background, I freeze the game at key point and show exactly what each important mechanic is and how it works, and then unfreeze the game. This is a much better method, as it doesn't break the player away from gameplay like a tutorial animation would, and isn't simple text in the background that the user might miss, ignore, or not fully comprehend in time to apply the information.
I also did a presentation for a freshman Computer Science class today - I talked about a basic overview of the CS & Game Design degree at Northeastern, as well as some details about what the degree is all about. This presentation series was intended to give freshman CS student an idea about what dual degrees are available and what they're all about from the perspective of actual students. Overall, it's part of the Major Mentor program at the CCIS that I've been participating in as a mentor for the past 2 years. There's so many students now that doing one-on-one mentoring sessions won't be as feasible in the coming years.
After this busy day I didn't get the chance to work on Chromacore much, did some quick level design work for level 5. More to come sooon!
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